CEO and Founder Sheila Trask

Personal and Professional Development Consultant


  • Team Building, Goal Achievement, Self Image, Branding,  Motivation

  • Consulting; Seminars; Motivational Speaking; and Coaching

"As an Adult Educator I have learned that the key to expertise is belief in oneself and in the organization.  All employees need to have a good self image to be able to perform at their best.  If you want to move your organization forward, you need to get employees on side by having their personal vision match the corporate vision.  It is as easy as 1,2,3, once you know how to identify what's holding them back.  Let's create a paradigm shift that works for everyone.  When you maximize efforts, you will see Outstanding and Lasting Results.  I can show you how.  Let's Do It!"

Contact me for a free consultation 709 486-2875 or email SHEILA@SHEILATRASK.COM