Are You Living in Gratitude? Say YES to these 3 Questions and you may not be!

Living in Gratitude means more than taking thirty seconds to answer the 'what am I grateful for' question.  Living in Gratitude is about having a perspective; one that opens you up to seeing things you would not usually see.  If you are not real sure if Gratitude is part of your life, check this out.  Ask yourself these three simple questions.  If you say yes to even one of them, you may need a gratitude check-up.  

1.  Do you find yourself dwelling on what's missing in your life?  If you said yes, you might be looking for what you don't have instead of being grateful for what do have.  Be grateful for what is present in your life, and you will bring more into your life as you open yourself to abundance. 

2.  Do you talk to others about what's wrong in your life?  If you do, you are not living in gratitude.  You not only are missing what's right in your life, but you are now exposing others to that type of thinking.  Change the conversation to what's right in your life, and you will find that your life will quickly improve.  

3.  Do you blame others for the results in your life?  If you do, you are not living in gratitude.  Living in gratitude means you take responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it.  You are open to what is good and can easily rectify what you don't want in your life through elimination. Living life on purpose makes us responsible and open to what life has to offer.

These three little questions can give you some insight into how you are living your life.  Always keep in mind that we are what we think. Think positive thoughts, speak positive words, and you will find that you have more control over your life.  Living consciously and in gratitude will have lasting results.  Take a look around you!  What are you grateful for?

 Always Be Grateful,

Sheila Trask, The Gratitude Coach

Post Partum After Glow...Gratitude from the Garden

Well now the baby is here and I have to figure out what to do with it.  Ultimately, I want to get as many people as possible to read it.  Why?  Because I believe it will help people.  Reading is a subjective experience which is why we all have different reactions to different books.  We bring a little people of ourselves into the mix when we interpret what the author has written.  We can't really help this because it is human nature.  But when you have a book that makes you look at things a little differently you may open up.  Raising your awareness can change your world.  Just like Dr. Wayne Dyer said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

In my book, The Gratitude Attitude...Life Lessons from the Field, I post one final gratitude to the authors who have impacted my life and allowed me to raise my awareness.  I'd like to share it with you.  

My Final Gratitude

I am grateful for Dr. Wayne Dyer, who passed while I was writing this book, for the many lessons he taught me in life.  I am grateful that I was able to tell him in person how much he has helped me. He has influenced me more than any other author or speaker, and through his work he has introduced me to many more inspiring minds. 

I am also grateful for Deepak Chopra, for his many thought provoking books and tapes.  Through his work I learned to meditate and to use meditation as a daily tool.  Eckhart Tolle: I am grateful—that through your work— you taught me mindfulness. Learning to stay in the present helped me through the grief of losing my mother.  I am also grateful for Louise Hay, as her work started me on this journey of seeking answers, loving life, and understanding the importance of positive affirmations. 

And, finally, I would like to thank Oprah Winfrey for demonstrating the importance of believing in yourself, being confident and being real, and for helping so many people in this world through her OWN channel. 

Although I have had other mentors, these mentors have led the way for me, and for that


Eternally Grateful,

Sheila Trask



The Gratitude Attitude...Life Lessons from the Field is born!

When you write a book and you finally decide to share it with the world, it is like having a baby.  You go through physical discomfort, emotional vulnerability, and lastly you just say "get it out, I can't take it anymore."

Today I gave birth to my first book The Gratitude Attitude...Life Lessons from the Field.  I wasn't sure how I would feel, but it feels good to share a part of me and my thinking with the world in hopes that someone may benefit from my writing.  

This book was conceived in the spring of 2013 at the College of the North Atlantic in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.  (yes that is a long name... long story)   I wrote through the summer of 2013 and then off and on for the next year. In 2015 I picked it up and boom - in three weeks I had it done; well not quite, as it had to go through the editing process.    This took awhile but it was worth it in the long run as I feel that my book grew during the process as I had so much more to add and share with the world.  I am so grateful for the transformation this book has given me.   My whole life changed because of it, in the same way that my life changed when I gave birth.  But just like giving birth, I am now forgetting about all the struggles I went through during the pregnancy, and I am happy as any new mother to see that my baby is strong and healthy and will grow up to make an impact on the world.  That's all we ever want for our children.  I hope you take advantage of the FREE give away for the kindle version today as I want as many people as possible to see my new baby.  I look forward to having more children in the future.  Check this out. It's FREE!   and as always,  

Be Grateful

Free Kindle Version









Motherhood for Dummies.....Mother's Day... Why You Need to Celebrate!

When my Mom passed I wanted to cancel Mother's Day.  It was just too painful to think about celebrating a day without her.  I thought that if I pretended the day didn't exist, I wouldn't have to experience the pain and withdrawal of being Motherless.  It has been four years now since my Mom passed and suddenly I feel differently.  I want to stand up and tell the world how great my Mom was and more importantly I want my Mom to know how all the little imperfections a Mother displays are so meaningless in the scheme of things.  You see we all do the best we can with what we know.  Motherhood does not come with an instruction book or one of those many Dummy Books we all possess. But it does come with a reference book; a book of memories that we go back to when we are trying to figure out the right thing to say, think, or do.  I like many other Mothers often reflect on what my Mother would have done given the circumstance.

My Mother raised ten children and I only raised one.  The pain, the joys, the worry, the praise, I can't imagine having to do that ten times.  Does this mean the anxiety that most mothers feel is more intense when you have more children?  Well my son was born on Mother's Day.  I didn't get to speak to my Mother until much later in the day.  I even changed my son's name from Kelsey to Jacob, my maternal Grandfather's name because of this special occasion.  I will always remember what my Mother said to me when I told her I gave birth to a son.  "Give him all you got because I didn't have it to give to all of you."  What was this it? She wanted my son to get the best of her combined efforts of raising ten children.  She knew that the love, kindness, wisdom, discipline, etc. that Mothers give can never be enough, especially if you have to share it out in small doses.  Well today I celebrate my Mother, my son, and myself.  I would like to share this with all the wonderful women who gave what they had, and for all the children, who so gladly received it.  Happy Mother's Day!

How Much is Your True Potential?

I recently read in Price Pritchett’s book you² that the experts say that most people use only 10% of their potential.  This got me thinking that if there is 90% left in me, what is it?

If there is 90% left in me, there is 90% left in you too.  Aren’t you curious? How would you know if you are only using a small percentage of your potential? Well that is a good question; however the challenge is understanding that regardless of where you are in life, you are capable of 90% more.

When I got this… you know ‘oh, that is what he means’- the ‘aha moment’, I realized that I had to pull out all stops and try to figure out where I could go with this. I’ve come up with a neat little way to help you do the same. Ask yourself these questions.

1. Who would I be if time and money were not an issue?
2. What would I be doing differently in my life?
3. Where would I be living and with whom?
4. When can I start this ‘real’ life?
5. Why wouldn’t I want more out of life?

From these questions, you will come up with ‘how’, and Bob Proctor says the ‘how’ is not important; that will unfold once you make a decision to get more out of your life.

Dr. Wayne Dyer always said ‘The greatest tragedy in life is to die with the music still in you’, so my question is why would you do that?

Get a jump on life! Look for that other 90%. If you need help figuring that out, I can help you. Really! I have found another 50% in the last few months since I read that line, and I am still finding more each day.

Keep looking! Check to see if you are smiling as you ponder those questions; that will tell you a lot.

Always Be Grateful………….

Sheila Trask

Change your BEhavior-Change your LIFE – THINK RESULTS!

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Thinking Into Results Consultant – Proctor Gallagher Institute