When you write a book and you finally decide to share it with the world, it is like having a baby. You go through physical discomfort, emotional vulnerability, and lastly you just say "get it out, I can't take it anymore."
Today I gave birth to my first book The Gratitude Attitude...Life Lessons from the Field. I wasn't sure how I would feel, but it feels good to share a part of me and my thinking with the world in hopes that someone may benefit from my writing.
This book was conceived in the spring of 2013 at the College of the North Atlantic in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. (yes that is a long name... long story) I wrote through the summer of 2013 and then off and on for the next year. In 2015 I picked it up and boom - in three weeks I had it done; well not quite, as it had to go through the editing process. This took awhile but it was worth it in the long run as I feel that my book grew during the process as I had so much more to add and share with the world. I am so grateful for the transformation this book has given me. My whole life changed because of it, in the same way that my life changed when I gave birth. But just like giving birth, I am now forgetting about all the struggles I went through during the pregnancy, and I am happy as any new mother to see that my baby is strong and healthy and will grow up to make an impact on the world. That's all we ever want for our children. I hope you take advantage of the FREE give away for the kindle version today as I want as many people as possible to see my new baby. I look forward to having more children in the future. Check this out. It's FREE! and as always,
Be Grateful
Free Kindle Version